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Bitcoin Reaches Record-Breaking High: Crypto world hits a $3trn market cap!

Bitcoin Reaches Record-Breaking High: Crypto world hits a $3trn market cap!

2021 has been a monumental year for the crypto world, and with Bitcoin hitting a record-breaking high of $68,521 on Nov. 5, 2021. Bitcoin was not the only crypto option to hit a hike, many others like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin also saw a profitable spike in demand.The Bitcoin Strip has been following it all

Many factors brought about the Bitcoin price increase, and with the focus pointing at crypto, many other digital coins felt the effects. Lesser-known cryptocurrencies like Binance Coin and Solana have also seen a rise, adding more than 20% in the past seven days. 

Cryptocurrencies appeal to many, and the best way to manage your crypto is by understanding the market. To give you insight into the future, The Bitcoin Strip has done the research to bring you the Bitcoin price prediction and knowledge on the market.

Bitcoin Price Prediction For 2021

The Bitcoin price prediction is a hot topic, and with the potential of a monumental record high of up to $100,000, we understand the interest. Set the high volatility aside, and BTC could be the ideal ticket to financial freedom.

With the crypto on the up and up, the Bitcoin market cap currently makes up $2.5 trillion of the $3.1 trillion market value. The cryptocurrency market has almost quadrupled in one year alone, with crypto coins like Ethereum and Litecoin poking their heads. 

With more and more coin options on the market, the broader the appeal to users. Continued improvements and upgrades attract new users and increase the functionality, directly affecting the appeal.

Which Countries Use Cryptocurrency the most?

The world is a big place, and with so many up-and-coming trends, it’s hard to know what will stick. Cryptocurrencies are one of those trends that are here to stay, branching out to appeal to a whole new pool of people. 

With such a keen interest in the opportunistic future of crypto, many countries have taken the time to do their research and jump on board. As more people adapt to the new way of finance, digital coins will hold more value in our day-to-day lives. 

Surprisingly, one of the countries to use cryptocurrencies the most is none other than Africa’s biggest economy, Nigeria, with 1 in 3 people claiming they have bought or owned Bitcoin at one stage or another. 

Here is a list of which countries use cryptocurrencies the most

  • Nigeria: 32%
  • Vietnam: 21%
  • Philippines: 20%
  • Turkey: 16%
  • Peru: 16%
  • Switzerland: 11%
  • India: 9%
  • China: 7
  • U.S.: 6%
  • Germany: 5%
  • Japan: 4%

the most crypto-friendly countries in the world

Although there is no particular reason as to why cryptocurrencies started to gain traction again during the global pandemic, many industry experts put it down to the potential of inflationary concerns and increased institutional adoption.

Since the beginning, Bitcoin has been the dominant cryptocurrency, and with the highest market value, it holds the most traction in the market. In March of 2021, Glassnote stated that 1 million people transact Bitcoin a day. 

Cryptocurrency On A Day To Day 

One of the most significant changes in behavior that needs to take place is the adoption of cryptocurrency in people’s day-to-day lives. For the market to stabilize and the value to show a constant increase, crypto enthusiasts need to look at Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a digital currency with similar implementations that of fiat currency within the economy. 

As popularity picks up, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are starting to be integrated into everyday business. For those that have an interest in crypto, there are companies that have started to accept the option.

 Where to spend your BTC:

  • Wikipedia
  • Microsoft
  • Burger King 
  • Starbucks 
  • KFC
  • Subway

Bitcoin reached its highest levels yet and this ois where to spend them

Other Cryptocurrencies To Invest In In 2021

There are currently 6,000 different cryptocurrencies on the market, and with so much competition, it’s essential to know where to place your funds. To point you in the right direction, The Bitcoin Strip has compiled a list of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in in 2021 besides Bitcoin. 

  • Ethereum
  • Tether
  • Cardano
  • Binance Coin 
  • Solana

By looking at market trends and behavior, Bitcoin is showing a promising future. Bitcoin has a market cap of 21 million BTC, which estimates that the last Bitcoin will be mined in 2140.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have reached their highest prices ever!

Invest In Cryptocurrency Today

The more movement the Bitcoin market sees, the more interest prospective users see in the future of the fiance. As more competition comes about, the crypto market has the potential to appeal to more. Get invested now to make sure you are ahead of the pack! Utilize the information above, and you are on the right path to bring home big bucks in the future. With Bitcoin reaching a record high, it’s clear that this form of finance is going nowhere!

Last updated by Jen Van Lier on November 22, 2021

About the editor

As website manager, Jen contributes reviews and updates to The Bitcoin Strip on a daily basis. Jen worked in the casino industry for 9 years before focusing on Bitcoin in 2016. She writes on subjects ranging from traditional slots all the way through to unique Bitcoin games, provable fairness and Ethereum smart contract gambling.

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